Our Bodies Are Toxic… The 3rd Inner Key!

By February 18, 2015 September 4th, 2019 Health, Wellness

We live in a toxic world…toxins are everywhere! They are in the air you breathe, the water you drink the rain that falls on your skin!  They’re in almost all the meat and commercially grown foods you eat… all the packaged and processed food products you buy… your fast foods…and even the cleaning and cosmetic products you use, ironically enough, to keep you and your family clean and protected from disease. You can’t escape them. Oh, and don’t forget about all those medications your doctor is “pushing” on you… Yes, they are EXTREMELY TOXIC AS WELL!

All of these toxins are creating substantial damage to your inner environment and keeping you from living lean and healthy for life!

There are many other conditions that are created when the body is toxic and in a constant state of acidosis. They include:

  • Poor digestion, absorption, and elimination

  • Cardiovascular disease, including arterial plaque build-up and the

           inability of the blood to carry oxygen to your cells

  • Hypoglycemia and diabetes

  • Allergies and skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis, asthma, acne,and dry, oily and/or itchy skin etc.

  • Kidney problems such as infections and kidney stones

  • Immunodeficiency

  • Free radical damage and cancer

  • Hormonal imbalances

  • Premature aging and death (just look at the complexion of a smoker!)

           Weak and brittle bones, joint pains, sore muscles and lactic acid build-up

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome

The list goes on and on! That’s why the ability of your body to detoxify is one of the 4 necessary elements for life. It is that important! Even though we detoxify at all points throughout every day via elimination most people are still toxic. I recently read that it is estimated that most adults are carrying around up to 14 pounds of toxic load in their body at all times.

So with such an overwhelming challenge how can we help the body rid itself of these destructive toxins? The body will try to eliminate as many of them as it can through its 4 natural elimination channels: Urine, Feces, Breathing and Skin.  What we can do is to make the necessary changes to our Diet & Lifestyle which limits the toxins we are exposed to!   We will get into the specifics of how to do this in an upcoming Blog! We also need to “sweat” and the best way to “sweat” is to exercise which happens to be another key component to this program which we will also address in detail a little further into this book! Saunas or other sweat producing methods also work well for detoxification in addition to your exercise. We also need to practice “deep breathing” on a daily basis to bring life giving oxygen into the body and to help expel toxic waste through our breath. Try this simple little deep breathing exercise: Slowly inhale through your nose for 10 seconds, hold the inhaled breath for 5 more seconds, then slowly let it out!  Repeat this 5 to 10 times and you have an effective little deep breathing exercise to use.

We will get more into what other steps we can take to “lighten the toxic load” in a upcoming article! Stay Tuned!

Live Well!


Bill Morgan

Bill Morgan

Bill Morgan is a "semi-retired" Certified Fitness Trainer and Wellness Coach with over 30 years experience in the Health & Fitness Industry. He spent the last 15 of those years as the owner and operator of his own Personal Training Center located in Vancouver Washington,